Ten Years Later, Questions Still Linger

By Hugh Turley


Summing up his creative exploits as a young reporter in Baltimore, where he and his colleagues wrote made-up news, H.L. Mencken once said with straight-faced understatement, ÒJournalism is not an exact science.Ó  MenckenÕs droll observation, made in a chapter of his autobiography called "The Synthesis of the News," came to mind after a recent exchange of mine with one of the local practitioners of the trade.


ÒMission UnimaginableÓ was the title of the extraordinary article on the front page of the Washington Post Style section on September 9, just in time for the 10th anniversary of the September 11th tragedy.  Unimaginable, indeed!  It turns out that staff writer Steve Hendrix had no proof for one of his central Òfacts,Ó that is, that F-16 pilots had Òorders to bring down United Air Lines Flight 93.Ó


Regular readers of this column may have noticed one of the problems with the Washington Post story.  In September 2009, I reported the contradiction that the military both knew and did not know about Flight 93 before it crashed.   U.S. Air Force Lt. Anthony Kuczynski said he was ordered to shoot down Flight 93 and other Air Force brass confirmed that the Air Force had been tracking Flight 93 even before it went off course.   This was a direct contradiction of the 9/11 Commission Report that flatly stated the military had no knowledge of Flight 93 until after it had already crashed in Pennsylvania.


The Post article reminded me that this important contradiction has never been resolved.   The recent story by Hendrix claimed two F-16 pilots took off from Andrews Air Force Base in unarmed planes to ram Flight 93, Kamikaze style.


Not only does it seem more sensible to intercept an errant plane by attempting less extreme measures first.  That is official protocol.  Think of a highway patrolman tasked with apprehending a motorist.  The steps he follows may be summarized: solicit voluntary cooperation, threaten violence, employ violence.   I emailed Hendrix and asked him who gave the order to these pilots to kill themselves and the passengers.   I also asked him how the military had learned that flight 93 had been hijacked.  He replied, ÒDonÕt know, honestly.Ó


I then informed Hendrix that his story that pilots had orders to bring down Flight 93 contradicted the 9/11 Commission Report statement that the military did not know about Flight 93 until after it crashed.  They can't both be true.


Hendrix then responded, Ò[Lt. Heather ÒLuckyÓ] Penney [the military pilot] remembers a warning that a specific plane was suspected to be heading toward Washington, transponder off.  I donÕt believe they were given a call sign, but I made it United 93 ÉÓ 


To me this was a stunning admission that there were, in fact, no Òorders to bring down United Air Lines Flight 93Ó as he had written in his article.


Regarding the origin of the suicide mission, at first Hendrix said, Òtheir remarkable planÓ to ram a passenger plane was the pilotÕs idea.  Then he said, "[Their superiors] knew they were sending them up unarmedÉto stop any incoming plane(s) and they knew that ramming it was probably the only way.Ó


Really?  The philosopher Rene Descartes said, ÒIt is a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived us even once.Ó   One must wonder at this point how much of the rest of HendrixÕs story we can believe.   His admission that he fudged the facts in this instance also calls the credibility of his employer into question.


The Washington Post, we might recall, initially publicized the ÒheroismÓ of PFC Jessica Lynch, reporting how she Òfought fiercely and shot several enemy soldiersÉfiring her weapon until she ran out of ammunitionÓ and Òcontinued firing at the Iraqis even after she sustained multiple gunshot woundsÓ and "was also stabbed.Ó   The decorated Lynch denied being wounded and courageously said she never fired a shot.   Lynch was injured when the Humvee in which she was riding crashed into a tractor-trailer.


I do not know what truly happened on September 11, 2001.  Are we likely to find the truth in any newspaper where news is reported in the fashion H.L. Mencken described?



This article appeared originally in the Hyattsville Life and Times, October 2011.  It is reprinted here with their permission.




We have discovered another curiosity about this story.  The London Daily Mail also reported it, citing Òan interview with the Washington Post.Ó  But the Daily Mail article appeared on September 10, 2011, and the interview in The Post was not published until the next day, September 11, 2011.


David Martin

February 6, 2014




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